The BHA administers several types of Boards and Commissions, including four statutorily required Councils: the Behavioral Health Administration Advisory Council; the Behavioral Health Planning & Advisory Council; the Mental Health Advisory Board for Service Standards & Regulations; and the Children & Youth Mental Health Services Standards Advisory Board. Learn more about each Council below, and follow the links to additional trainings and resources provided by BHA. Some BHA Boards & Commissions are currently recruiting for the 2025-2026 FY. Click on the councils below to learn how to apply.
Behavioral Health Administration Advisory Council (BHAAC)
The BHAAC was created for the purpose of making recommendations to the BHA Commissioner and the State Board of Human Services to improve the behavioral health system for all people of Colorado. The Council invites people in Colorado with personal and professional experience within the behavioral health system to co-create, advise, and implement BHA's vision and strategic plan. The Council ensures that persons who have used, or served in, the behavioral health system have input into BHA related activities and initiatives.
Behavioral Health Planning & Advisory Council (BHPAC)
The BHPAC was established to advise the State in its Federal Block Grant application and to address key statewide policy issues that impact the behavioral health system throughout Colorado, in accordance with federal law and as directed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The Council consists of persons in recovery and lived experience, State agencies, treatment providers, community advocates, and other individuals who have a vested interest in improving Colorado's behavioral health systems.
Children & Youth Mental Health Services Standards Advisory Board (CYMHTA)
The CYMHTA was established for the purpose of assisting and advising the BHA Commissioner in the development of service standards and rules pertaining to Article 67, the Children and Youth Mental Health Treatment Act. Designed for children and families who do not qualify for Medicaid but cannot afford the mental health treatment services they require, Article 67 helps to address access to service and unwarranted out-oh-home placement. The Council is composed of members from nonprofit healthcare facilities, State agencies, children's healthcare facilities, community mental health facilities, and individuals invested in the protection of mental health services for children and youth in Colorado.
Mental Health Advisory Board for Service Standards & Regulations (MHAB or 27-65)
The MHAB (or the 27-65 Board) was created for the purpose of making recommendations to the BHA Commissioner regarding rules and service standards relevant to Article 65, the Care and Treatment of Persons with Mental Illness. The Council is composed of representative from nonprofit healthcare facilities, State agencies, consumers of mental health services, law enforcement officers, the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, psychiatrists and the Colorado Bar Association.
Boards & Commissions Council Member Resources
Handbooks & Guides
- BHA Boards & Commissions Member Guide
- BHA Council Member Code of Conduct
- Colorado Independent Ethics Commissions - Ethics Handbook
- Robert's Rules of Order Handout
- Sunshine Laws Booklet
BHA Boards & Commissions Contact Information
Caitlin Long, BHA Boards & Commissions Coordinator
Community Engagement Specialists Contact Information:
- Meghan Shelton, Division Director, Intergovernmental and Community Engagement,
- Judith Tieku, Community Engagement Manager,
- Calandra Lindstadt, NE Region,
- Brittany Noble, Metro/Mountain Region,
- Marius Nielsen, SE Region,
- Rachel Simpson, Western Slope Region,