Project AWARE
Colorado’s Project AWARE aims to build a comprehensive, coordinated, and
integrated school-based mental health services system.
6th-12th Grade Mental Health Screening Program
The 6th-12th Grade Mental Health Screening Program allows public schools to improve the well-being and success of middle and high school students through an annual mental health screener.
The School Based Mental Health Specialist Program
The School Based Mental Health Specialist (SBMHS) program provides high-quality behavioral health outreach, linkage, consultation, and collaboration between comprehensive safety net providers and school districts.
The Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment and Other Services - School-Based Health Center (SBIRT-SBHC) Project provides integrated healthcare services to children and youth in schools or on school property and addresses adolescent substance use and commonly reported mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, and suicidality.
School Mental Health Support Program
School Mental Health Support Program provides high-quality training, resources, and implementation and sustainment support for the existing public school educator workforce to provide evidence-based mental health services to students, grades 6-12, through a contract with an external provider.
More info coming soon.